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Nature Informed Harm Reduction 

Nature informed practices to support people affected by

drug-related harm

About the Training

Webinar Overview

Since the beginning of humankind, drug use has played an important part in our relationship to the natural world. Exploring this deep history helps us embrace the first principle of Harm Reduction-to accept drug use as a natural part of human existence. This training reviews the core principles of Nature Informed Therapy and Harm Reduction to discuss how their connections can improve the lives of people experiencing drug related harm. With a micro to macro point of view, participants will practice nature informed harm reduction interventions and discuss the impact of the War on Drugs on climate justice. 

Key Learning Objectives

  • Describe the historical relationship between drugs, humans, and nature.


  • Define Harm Reduction, its core principles, and their connections to the principles of Nature Informed Therapy.


  • Apply Nature Informed Harm Reduction interventions to improve support for people experiencing drug related harm.


  • Enhance awareness of the therapeutic benefits of nature for people with risky drug use.


  • Determine the macro and micro levels of Harm Reduction and understand the impact of the War on Drugs on climate justice.


  • Identify resources to continue your Harm Reduction and Nature Informed Therapy education.

Program Schedule

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM  | Welcome and Introduction

  • Presentation: Intro to Course, Day’s Agenda, Other Housekeeping

  • Small Group Icebreaker: What is your favorite nature smell?


10:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Grounding and Opening

  • Experiential Exercise: 7 Deep Breaths with Nature Sounds

  • Video: Tobacco is Medicine


10:30 AM – 11:15 AM | Drugs, Humans, and Nature

  • Presentation: A Historical Overview of the Relationship Between Drugs, Humans, and Nature

  • Discussion: How does this historical context impact your opinions of drug use?


11:15 AM – 11:30 AM | Break

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM | What’s That Drug?

  • Game: What’s That Plant/Drug?


12:00 PM – 12:45 PM | Harm Reduction

  • Lecture: An Introduction to Harm Reduction and Its Core Principles

  • Discussion: Where do you see stigma? How do we end it?

  • Experiential Activity: Mother Earth Loving Kindness


12:45 PM – 1:15 PM | Lunch Break

1:15 PM – 2:00 PM | The War on Drugs and Climate Justice

  • Lecture: The War on Drugs’ Impact on Climate Justice

  • Discussion: How does the War on Drugs impact you and your community?

  • Experiential Activity: Grief Ritual


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Nature Informed Harm Reduction

  • Lecture: The Benefits and Methods of Nature Informed Harm Reduction

  • Discussion: How do you want to/already integrate nature into your work? How do you want to/already integrate harm reduction into your work?

  • Experiential Activity: Life Landscape


3:00 PM – 3:15 PM | Break


3:15 PM – 4:00 PM | Summary and Emerging Conversations

  • Lecture: Summary of the Day, Emerging Conversations in Harm Reduction

  • Discussion: Share reflections and discuss takeaways

  • Experiential Activity: Rose, Bud, Thorn


4:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Questions & Closing

  • Discussion: Question and answer

  • Experiential Activity: Tea Ceremony

Upcoming Course

Course Date
7 Hours
Live Online
  • Nature informed practices to support people affected by drug-related harm

    Starts May 7

    180 US dollars

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Instructor Highlights

Leigh Beck


Leigh Beck is a licensed clinical social worker with expertise in drug use. She owns a Nature Informed Harm Reduction counseling and consulting practice in Baltimore County, Maryland. Skilled in micro and macro social work practice, Leigh completed her doctorate in social work with a focus on the political determinants of the opioid crisis. She is co-president of the international solidarity organization U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities and a member of the provider circle at Vot-ER, a movement to integrate voter registration into healthcare. She is also a founding member of Beckys Anonymous, a mutual aid organization for white women that want to end white supremacy.

Leigh Headshot copy.jpg

Logistics & Registration

Prepare to engage with nature and deepen your therapeutic skills on this one-day live online training.  Here's what participants need to know:


When: Wednesday, May 7, From 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Where: Live Online

Cost: $180 per person including CE credits / Early Bird rate through March 26 - 15% off with code EBAT15 

Don't need CE's? Take $20 off with booking code ADV20

25% off for students with booking code STUDENT

Scholarship Available: Limited need-based scholarship available. 

Apply here.





CE Details 

Center for Nature Informed Therapy has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7473. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Center for Nature Informed Therapy is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Nature Informed Attachment & Trauma Therapy Training course will receive 6 NBCC credit hours. 


This program consists of 6 NBCC clock hours of continuing education instruction. Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please save the course outline, the certificate of completion you receive from the activity and contact your state board or organization to determine specific filing requirements 


The Center for Nature Informed Therapy, Provider 2022, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 7, 2024-July 7, 2025.  Social workers completing this course receive 6.5 general continuing education credits.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Who Should Attend This Training?
A: This course is ideal for helping and healing professionals such as counselors, nurses, social workers, health coaches, educators, pastoral care providers, peer support workers, and harm reduction workers interested in incorporating Nature Informed Therapy and Harm Reduction into their practice.


Q: Do I Need Prior Knowledge of Harm Reduction?
A: No prior education in Harm Reduction and/or Natured Informed Therapy is necessary to benefit from this course. This training will help you bring more nature into your harm reduction work and more harm reduction into your nature work.


Q: What else do I need to know?

A: To fully benefit from the experiential activities included in this training, easy access to the outdoors while in the training is encouraged but not required for participation. Modifications will be provided for people who are not able to go outdoors during the training.

Questions about the training?

Thanks for submitting!

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